Anuncios en Panamá > Arriendo y venta de Inmuebles en Panamá > Oficinas - locales en Panamá > BUSINESS PREMISES for LEASE - CORONADO - USD$1200/month


Publicado por: - Enero 05, 2020

Información del Anuncio

Opciones del Anuncio

Precio: USD$ 1,200
Ciudad: Coronado, Chame
Fecha: Enero 05, 2020
Teléfono: 65528328
Metros cuadrados: 1200
Número de Baños: 3
Amoblado: No
Usuario: Anónimo
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Detalles del Anuncio

At the entrance of Coronado area, almost 150 meters from ALL Coronado Malls, banks, etc.

Total Lot Area = 1200 m^2 . Building Office = 115 m^2, with beautiful external wood deck.

Ideal for Restaurants, Bars, Offices of any kind.
Also available for 1 or more days, for informal or business reunions, birthdays or for any other events - USD$50.00/day.

Lease rate = negotiable [according to packages shown below].

I- For the Total Lot Area = 1200 m^2

1- $1375.00/month x 1 year Lease Contract

2- $1475.00/month x 2.5 years Lease Contract

3- $1575.00/month x 5 years Lease Contract

II- For a Partial Lot Area = 750 m^2

1- $1200.00/month x 1 year Lease Contract

2- $1300.00/month x 2.5 years Lease Contract

3- $1400.00/month x 5 years Lease Contract

Complete information:
email: [email protected]
phone: look inside the web page

El anuncio "BUSINESS PREMISES for LEASE - CORONADO - USD$1200/month" está desactualizado. Te recomendamos otros anuncios similares a "BUSINESS PREMISES for LEASE - CORONADO - USD$1200/month" en Oficinas - locales en Panamá

Ubicacion: Panamá
Arriendo y venta de Inmuebles en Panamá > Oficinas - locales